
Weekend project: Chat Pusher

Needed something like this: http://chatpusher.appspot.com/.


Viewing Android Source Code in Eclipse

Just wrote a python script to help build the necessary folder for viewing android source code in eclipse. Check out http://mobilepearls.com/labs/viewing-android-source-code-in-eclipse/.


Handling SSH on non-standard ports for subversion and git

Working with subversion and git over SSH on a non-standard port (!=22) is troublesome as the host:port syntax does not work.

One easy way around this is to to define an entry as the following in $HOME/.ssh/config:
Host my.githost.com
Port 7822

This allows one to use the host normally through most SSH-using tools such as subversion and git!

Show&hide hidden files and folders in Mac file dialogs

Keyboard shortcut of the day: Use "Cmd+Shift+." to toggle showing hidden files in Mac file dialogs.


Simple HTTP benchmarks with ab

The ab tool from Apache is a simple command line program for benchmarking, included in the httpd-tools rpm package in Fedora. The below command shows how to benchmark http://example.com/ with 4 total requests using 2 concurrent connections:

ab -n 4 -c 2 http://example.com/

There are a lot of options as the -H for a custom HTTP header or the -p for POST data from a file!


Eclipse tip: Choose editor from the "Open Resource" dialog

Eclipse 3.5 added the option to choose which editor to use when opening a file from the Open Resource dialog:
The Open Resource dialog with option to choose editor

It's useful when a file type is associated with an external editor, but one has a need of finding it in Eclipse to work with e.g. version control.


Fixing graphical glitches with eclipse on fedora 12

As noticed by https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=538733 and https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=291257, eclipse has problems on fedora 12 in the form of missing icons in views. Setting GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS as below fixes the problem:

export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1; ./eclipse